Entries by Ivo Uenk

Workshop: Microsoft Intune

When you work with Microsoft 365, you also have to deal with all kinds of clients, also called the Endpoints. These must be managed properly and securely. One way to manage those Endpoints is with Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Learn how Microsoft Endpoint Manager can help your organization in controlling company owned or bring-your-own-devices (BYOD).

Workshop: Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is Microsoft’s cloud-based VDI solution and is offered and maintained entirely from the Azure portal. AVD is ARM-based (Azure Resource Manager) and therefore fully integrated in all the solutions within the Azure Portal. This makes it possible to combine multiple features with AVD such as Azure MFA and Endpoint Manager.

Work with Azure Image Builder

This blog is about using Azure Image Builder (AIB) to create custom images based on Azure marketplace images. By default, all Azure marketplace images are in English US with other region and format settings than we use in Europe. Therefore, it’s necessary to customize the marketplace image. Changing the language or region is one of […]